CoQuS Colloquium WS 2017/18

University of Vienna
Lise Meitner Hörsaal, Strudelhofgasse 4 (1st floor) 1090 Vienna

(The location of the Vienna Physics Colloquia may vary and will be announced separately.)

The CoQuS student talks commence at 17:00.
The CoQuS guest talks start at 17:30.


Colloquium Speaker


 Student‘s Presentation


VPC Talk
Sami Mitra, Physical Review Letters Editor for the American Physical Society


Physics after the lab and the desk: Your work in PRL


no student talk

16.10.2017Pertti Hakonen, Aalto University Finland"Fractional quantum Hall effect and Wigner crystallization in suspended graphene"


Armin Hochrainer


VPC Talk and Boltzmann Lecture
Lisa Randall, Harvard University

"The Nature of Dark Matter"no student talk
30.10.2017Sougato Bose, University College LondonFrom Macroscopic Superpositions to Quantum GravityDaniele DeBernardis
06.11.2017Kishan Dholakia, St. Andrews UniversityLet Nothing slow you down: new directions in optical manipulationDaniel Hartley
13.11.2017VPC Talk and Lise Meitner Lecture
Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zurich
New Materials for a New Ageno student tallk
20.11.2017Jonathan Dowling, Louisiana State UniversitySchrödinger's Web - The Race to Build the Quantum InternetGiulia Rubino
27.11.2017Sylvain Gigan, ENS ParisWavefront control in disordered media: from imaging to quantum information processingno student talk
04.12.2017Sebastian Huber, ETH ZurichA quantized quadrupole insulator in a mechanical metamaterialRalf Riedinger
11.12.2017VPC Talk, Paolo Debenedetti
Princeton University
Computational Investigation of the Liquid-Liquid Transition in Deeply Supercooled Waterno student talk
22.01.2018Tarik Berrada, Quantitative Energy Analyst at Wien EnergieEnergy economist at Wien Energieno student talk
29.01.2018Jeff Steinhauer, Technion -Israel Institute of TechnologyCancelled, postponed to SS18