CoQuS Summer Semester 2016


Lectures by the CoQuS Faculty 


Seminars by the CoQuS Faculty


Lab Courses by the CoQuS Faculty

Lab courses / project work summer term 2016


Quantum Physics (141.A12)

Jörg Schmiedmayer

Thorsten Schumm

Arno Rauschenbeutel

Projekt work on Atomic Clocks and Quantum Metrology (141.A27)

Thorsten Schumm

Ultra Cold Atoms and Spectroscopy (141.214)


Jörg Schmiedmayer

Thorsten Schumm


PrA on Quantum Optics (141.095)

Arno Rauschenbeutel

Anton Zeilinger

Nanophotonics (141.A13)

Arno Rauschenbeutel

Quantum Technology (141.A15)

Jörg Schmiedmayer

Peter Rabl

Project work on laserspectroscopy (353.025)

Karl Unterrainer

Statistical Physics II (136.050)

Peter Rabl

Relativistic Quantum Information and Metrology (260133)

Ivette Fuentes

Quantum Information II – Exercises (260160)

Frank Verstraete

Praktikum Quantenoptik (260211 PR)

Philipp Walther

Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics – Exercises (260074)

Markus Arndt

Stefan Kuhn